An Enterpreneur With Kind Heart



Basic Testing Guidelines for Web App

1. The first thing in testing is that you should know the purpose of the page.
2. Second important thing is you should test it like a user not as a programmer.
3. Check every page on different browsers like Mozilla, IE, chrome, and safari.
4. Whenever testing the form, always test complete form without data.
5. When form submits successfully, page should display the form has submitted.
6. You should also test all validations implemented on form.
7. Whenever using data controls like grid view, data repeater always show it without data first.
8. There should not be any JavaScript error on page.
9. Every page should be consistent on font, colors, spacing and margins.
10. If creating dynamic menus, then it should not be disturbed by long strings or string should be limited in admin.
11. Footer links should always work.
12. Every page should have page title and description, if not provided, use same for all but meaningful.
13. Whenever creating search result page, there should be proper message if no data comes in result.
14. In admin, always try to show page headings that say what can be done on a particular page.
15. Whenever send mail to users for anything, proper subject should be used and body should have a good format not just the information to be sent.
16. Don’t forget to create Forget password link beside login box.


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